What kinds of resources, support, or guidance do people need to overcome the main barriers or challenges people here face to doing more for the environment locally?
Create more wildlife corridors (under and over passes with highways, tree and shrub corridors that connect to northern California, corridors connecting natural migration routes and water ways) so that we can allow those animals that are able to do so, move. Plants cannot and we may need to move them by hand through "assisted migration" https://www.fs.usda.gov/ccrc/topics/assisted-migration .
We have fractionated animal and plant habitats and shrunken (and poisoned) their water and food supply and modified their current and future surroundings such that most species will not survive. I feel they deserve a place in the world and we are acting unjustly by killing them off, but if this isn't enough of an excuse, consider these: 1) future generations will not know of them 2) we will lose engineering and medicinal knowledge that we haven't yet to explore 3) ecosystems will collapse and require us to put more energy to sustain healthy ecosystems which we will not be as good at
char abernathy
Wed, 04/20/2022 - 9:24pm
Join our workshop: You can Make a Difference - An Action Oriented Conversation About the Environment
Learn how to take action and how to teach others to do the same.
Daniela Bryan
Wed, 01/12/2022 - 12:04pm
Education and outreach
Mon, 11/29/2021 - 4:37pm